Thursday, July 19, 2018



What is RF ID?
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) is the use of radio waves to read and capture information stored on a tag attached to an object without any power supply to it.  A tag can be read from up to several feet away and does not need to be within direct line-of-sight of the reader to be tracked.
How does a RFID system work?
A RFID system is made up of two parts: a tag or label and a reader. RFID tags or labels are embedded with a transmitter and a receiver. The RFID component on the tags has two parts: a microchip that stores and processes information, and an antenna to receive and transmit a signal. The tag contains the specific serial number for one specific object.
To read the information encoded on a tag, a two-way radio transmitter-receiver called an interrogator or reader emits a signal to the tag using an antenna. The tag responds with the information written in its memory bank. The interrogator will then transmit the read results to an RFID computer program.
There are two types of RFID tags: passive and battery powered.  A passive RFID tag will use the interrogator’s radio wave energy to relay its stored information back to the interrogator.  A batter powered RFID tag is embedded with a small battery that powers the relay of information.It use rf energy harvesting techniques.
In a retail setting, RFID tags may be attached to articles of clothing. When an inventory associate uses a handheld RFID reader to scan a shelf of jeans, the associate is able to differentiate between two pairs of identical jeans based upon the information stored on the RFID tag.  Each pair will have its own serial number. 
With one pass of the handheld RFID reader, the associate can not only find a specific pair, but they can tell how many of each pair are on the shelf and which pairs need to be replenished. The associate can learn all of this information without having to scan each individual item.

practical usage:- in ID cards, in shopping malls on textiles, for cattle a yellow tag is placed on ears which contain the total information of animal etc.

Stands for "Global Positioning System." GPS is a satellite navigation system used to determine the ground position of an object. GPS technology was first used by the United States military in the 1960s and expanded into civilian use over the next few decades. Today, GPS receivers are included in many commercial products, such as automobiles, smartphones, exercise watches, and GIS devices.
The GPS system includes 24 satellites deployed in space about 12,000 miles (19,300 kilometers) above the earth's surface. They orbit the earth once every 12 hours at an extremely fast pace of roughly 7,000 miles per hour (11,200 kilometers per hour). The satellites are evenly spread out so that four satellites are accessible via direct line-of-sight from anywhere on the globe.
Each GPS satellite broadcasts a message that includes the satellite's current position, orbit, and exact time. A GPS receiver combines the broadcasts from multiple satellites to calculate its exact position using a process called triangulation. Three satellites are required in order to determine a receiver's location, though a connection to four satellites is ideal since it provides greater accuracy.
In order for a GPS device to work correctly, it must first establish a connection to the required number of satellites. This process can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the strength of the receiver. For example, a car's GPS unit will typically establish a GPS connection faster than the receiver in a watch or smartphone. Most GPS devices also use some type of location caching to speed up GPS detection. By memorizing its previous location, a GPS device can quickly determine what satellites will be available the next time it scans for a GPS signal.

How electromagnetic waves propagate from the antenna?
An animated video
best explained.......

source:- youtube.



 VERILOG CODES :- (by NUTAN.K) COMBINATIONAL :-  1.MUX:- (one bit wide)  1a) 2:1 MUX and its Testbench   1b) 4:1 MUX using 2:1 and its testb...